Note: To split a shape along a line, you must be logged-in to a Pro account. To learn how to upgrade, visit this link: How to upgrade to a Pro accountSplitting a shape along a line enables you to create many new types of shapes, including: trapezoids, and puzzle pieces.For this instruction, we’re going to remove a triangle section from the corner of a rectangle.
Draw the rectangle
- In Map View, draw a rectangle.
To learn how to draw basic shapes, visit these links:
Draw the line
- In Map View, draw a line through the rectangle.
For splitting any type of shape, the line must be positioned so the start-point and end-point are not inside the shape.
For this example, position the line so a corner section of the rectangle can be split from the main section in later steps.To learn how to draw a line, visit these links:
Split the shape
- In the top toolbar, select the "Edit/Measure Tool".
Quick Key: Or you can press the "Q" button on your keyboard.
- Right-click on a section of the rectangle not covered by the line.
- In the menu, click to select: "Hole/Split/Cut".
A pop-up will appear, displaying a list of the map’s lines and shapes.
- Click to select the line you previously created.
- In Map View, you will see the rectangle has split along the line.
More options
- (Optional) You can now move the corner section and main section to new locations in Map View.
- Select the "Edit/Measure Tool" in the top toolbar.
- In the Map View, click-and-drag the shapes to new locations.
On the line’s row in the Layers Panel, you will see a strikethrough line on the Eye Icon. - Select the "Edit/Measure Tool" in the top toolbar.
- (Optional) You can make the line appear in Map View.
In the Layers Panel, click the Eye Icon on the line’s row.
- (Optional) You can delete the line.
- In the Layers Panel, click the Garbage Bin Icon on the line’s row.
- In the pop-up, click “Yes”.
- In the Layers Panel, click the Garbage Bin Icon on the line’s row.
See also
Split a circle into two semicircles
Split a rectangle into two separate rectangles
Split a polygon into two separate polygons
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