Note: To add a TMS base layer, you must be logged-in to a Pro account. To learn how to upgrade, visit this link: How to upgrade to a Pro account
TMS stands for Tile Map Service, a specification for tiled web maps.
Adding a TMS URL enables you to import the georeferenced tiles to produce a base layer on a map.
A TMS URL will have {X},{Y}, and {Z} in the URL.Every provider has their own format. This is a common format: https://www.websiteprovider/tiletype/{X}/{Y}/{Z}
Import the tiles
- If you aren't logged in to Scribble Maps already, log in to your account at: To learn how to log in, visit this link:
How to login/register - (Optional) If the "LAYERS" Panel isn't open on the right side of the browser window, click the vertical bar.
- At the bottom of the Layers Panel, open the Base Layers window by clicking the double-arrowheads.
- Click the (+) button.
- In the flyout, click: "Add TMS".
You will see the editor window titled: "ADD/EDIT TMS"
- Copy the URL. For example, the URL inside these quotation marks:
"{Z}/{Y}/{X}"Copy by highlighting the URL. Then use your keyboard to press:
- Quick Key: Ctrl + C (for Windows).
- Quick Key: Command + C (for Macs).
- Paste the URL in the "ADD/EDIT TMS" window.
Paste by clicking the field under the heading: "TMS URL XYZ". Then use your keyboard to press:
- Quick Key: Ctrl + V (for Windows).
- Quick Key: Command + V (for Macs).
- You will see the tiled map in the preview window.
- (Optional) Under the heading, "Layer Name", type the name into the field. For example: "Test".
Note: In later steps, the TMS name will appear on the base layer's row in the Base Layers window.
- Click the button: "ADD TMS LAYER".
- Click "Ok".
In the Map View, you will see the added TMS base layer.
- (Optional) You can toggle the visibility of the TMS base layer.
In the Base Layers window, click the Eye Icon located on the left side of the base layer's row.
See also
Reorder the stack of base layers
Add a heatmap base layer at marker locations
Add a mask as a base layer - Display sections of a second map
Add a WMS URL to produce a base layer
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