Note: You can use password protection to save maps even if you don't register a Scribble Maps account. However, you will enable more capabilities, including saving maps to your account, if you do register. Visit this link to learn: How to login / register
When using a free account, you can save up to 5 maps.
Upgrade to a Pro account to save unlimited maps.
To learn how to save your map, you can view the video below or you can read the step-by-step guide below the video.
Set the map ID, title, and description
- (Optional) Login to your Scribble Maps account at: - In the Map View, add an overlay to the map. For example; a marker.
Visit this link to learn how to:
Create a marker - (Marker Tool) - In the top toolbar, click the "Menu" button.
- Under the "Scribble Maps" heading, click "Save Map".
The "SAVE MAP" window will appear.
- Under the "Map Id" heading, decide whether to:
- Keep the auto-generated, unique Map ID.
OR - Type in a custom, unique Map ID.
In most cases, you can just add another letter or number to the current map ID.
- Keep the auto-generated, unique Map ID.
- Under the "Title" heading, type in the name of the map.
- Under the "Description" heading, type in the description of the map.
Select the option for how users can access the map
- Public - Enabled on unregistered Free, registered Free, and Pro accounts.
- Unlisted - Enabled on Pro accounts.
- Secure - Enabled on Pro accounts.
- Encrypted - Enabled on Pro accounts.
- The map is listed in the Scribble Maps portal:
- The map can be viewed by anyone.
- If you don't create a password, the map can be edited and saved by anyone.
- If you create a password, other users can edit and save the map if they type in the password.
- If the map isn't claimed by a registered account, the map can be claimed by anyone who has registered an account.
See article: Claim a map to your account
- If users are invited via the Manage Users feature or the Team web app, the users can access the map without providing a password.
Note: To learn about collaboration permissions, see section: Manage collaboration permissions by using the Manage Users feature or the Team web app.
- The map is not listed in the Scribble Maps portal.
- The map can be viewed by anyone who has the Map ID.
See the article; Load a map by using the Map ID - "Menu > Load Import"
- If you create a password, other users can edit and save the map if they type in the password.
- If users are invited via the Manage Users feature or the Team web app, the users can access the map without providing a password.
- The map is not listed in the Scribble Maps portal.
- The map can be viewed and edited from the map creator's account.
- If you create a password, other users can use the password to view the map.
- If users are invited via the Manage Users feature or the Team web app, the users can access the map without providing a password.
- The map is not listed in the Scribble Maps portal.
- The map can be viewed and edited from the map creator's account if the encryption password is provided.
- Other users can view the map if they provide the initial map password and the encryption password.
- If users are invited via the Manage Users feature or the Team web app, the users don't need to provide the initial map password. The users do need to provide the encryption password to access the map.
Note: You can learn more about improving map security by visiting this link: Confidential map data
If you are not logged in to Scribble Maps, a pop-up warning will appear:
(Optional) Manage collaboration permissions by using the Manage Users feature or the Team web app
- Users who can access the map.
- Role-based permissions each user has.
Note: You improve security by enabling map access through user accounts, because you don’t need to share map passwords.
The Manage Users feature is located on the "Save Map" window in Scribble Maps.
The Team web app opens in its own browser tab. All changes saved in the Team web app automatically register in Scribble Maps.
When you want to collaborate on a single map, we recommend you use the Manage Users feature when saving. To learn how; visit this link:
Intro to the Manage Users feature - Collaborate on a single map
When you want to collaborate on multiple maps, we recommend you use the Team web app when saving. To learn how; visit this link:
Intro to the Team web app - Collaborate on multiple maps
(Optional) - Select whether to automatically save the map while you work
AutoSave is activated by default. So the map will automatically save every 5 minutes unless you change the setting.
- If you want to deactivate AutoSave, click the checkbox: "AutoSave (5 minutes)".
- (Optional) If you're ready to save the map, click the button: "Save Map".
(Optional - after you click "Save Map") - Learn the purpose of the "Map ID" and 3 links in the "Map Saved" window
- Map ID
- Share Link
- Edit Link
- Image Link
- You can use the Share Link URL to share the interactive map on social media. For example; Reddit.
- You can share the link on other types of digital communication. For example; Text messaging.
- The map users can move and zoom the map for new views.
- If you set overlays to be clickable, the map users can click links to web pages
See article: Create a clickable overlay for linking to a web page
Note: If you want more options for map display and interactivity, you can use the Get Widget to embed the map. Visit this link to learn how to: Embed a map on a blog/website
- You can use the "Edit Link URL" to quickly start working on the map in Scribble Maps.
- You can send the link to team members.
- You can use the "Image Link URL" to share your map as a link to a PNG image.
- You can share the image on social media. For example; A blog.
- You can share the link on other types of digital communication. For example; Text messaging.
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