Note: To use the Parcel Data feature, you must be logged-in to a Pro Biz account. To learn how to upgrade, visit this link: How to upgrade to a Pro account
Parcel data maps are digital parcel boundaries originating from deeds and surveys, that often contain attributes or characteristics of properties such as acres, buildings, ownership names, etc.
Choose the base map
- If you aren't logged in to Scribble Maps already, log in to your account at: To learn how to log in, visit this link:
How to login/register - In Map View, move and zoom the map so you can see the area you want to add the parcel data.
To move the map:
- Select the Hand Tool in the top toolbar.
Quick Key: Or you can hold the "Shift" button on your keyboard.
- In the center of the Map View, you will see the crosshair reticle.
- In the Map View, click-and-drag the map so the chosen location is at the reticle.
When you later zoom, you will see the map zooms to/from the location at the reticle.
To zoom-in/out, there are 2 options:Option 1In the top-right corner of the Map View, click the:- Zoom-in button, "+".
- Zoom-out button, "-".
Option 2Use the scroll wheel on your mouse.For Windows- Scroll forwards to zoom-in.
- Scroll backwards to zoom-out.
For Mac- Scroll backwards to zoom-in.
- Scroll forwards to zoom-out.
- Select the Hand Tool in the top toolbar.
- In the bottom-right corner of the Map View, click on the Maps & Data thumbnail image.
You will see the Maps & Data window pop up.
- Click to select your preferred map.
Add The Parcel Data
- Under the Add Data section to the right of the Map Menu, click on USA PARCEL.
- (Optional) To add Parcel Data, you must be zoomed in to the correct level. A pop-up will appear to let you know how many levels you need to zoom in to if needed.
- Click the X button to close the Map Menu.
Get Report
- You will notice that the Parcel Boundaries have been added to the map area. Click on the parcel you would like more information on.
- Click Get Report.
- You will notice the additional information added to the parcel's details.
- The parcel has also been filled in with your chosen Fill Colour.
- A new polygon has been created and added to the Base Layers to represent the parcel.
- All new information has been added as Attributes in the Data View.
Add All In View
- You can create a polygon for every parcel within the view. Under USA Parcel National Parcel Data, click the Add All In View (No Report) button.
The Adding Parcel To Map pop-up will appear.
- Use Random Colours?
- Click Yes to fill the Parcel Boundaries with random colours.
- Click No to use the already selected Fill Colour.
You'll notice the Parcel Boundaries filled with the selected colour type.Note: This does not add Report information to the polygons.
If you are unable to find the Get Report button after this step, remember that these polygons are layers on top of the parcel boundaries. You may need to move or delete the polygon to access the parcel boundary's Get Report button.
See also
Add Map Data - USA Demographics
Add Map Data - USA Zip Code / Canada Postal
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