Draw the polygon
- In the Map View, move and zoom the map so you can see where you want to draw the polygon.
To move the map:
- Select the Hand Tool in the top toolbar.
Quick Key: Or you can hold the "Shift" button on your keyboard.
- In the center of the Map View, you will see the crosshair reticle.
- In the Map View, click-and-drag the map so the chosen location is at the reticle.
When you later zoom, you will see the map zooms to/from the location at the reticle.
To zoom in/out, there are 2 options:Option 1
In the top-right corner of the Map View, click the:- Zoom-in button, "+".
- Zoom-out button, "-".
Option 2
Use the scroll wheel on your mouse.For Windows- Scroll forward to zoom in.
- Scroll backward to zoom out.
For Mac- Scroll backward to zoom in.
- Scroll forward to zoom out.
- Select the Hand Tool in the top toolbar.
- Select the Polygon Tool in the top toolbar.
Quick Key: Or you can press the "P" button on your keyboard.
- (Optional) Choose the colour of the polygon's fill area.
To choose the colour:
- In the top toolbar, select the Fill Colour Picker.
The Fill Colour Picker is the Bucket Icon displaying the tooltip: "Change fills. Fill connected lines".
There are 2 options for this step:Option 1
Type the Hex Colour Code into the field.Option 2- Click on the "White+Colour" field to choose how much white is mixed with colour.
- (Optional) Click on the Shade Bar to choose how much gray or black is mixed with the "White+Colour".
- Click on the "White+Colour" field to choose how much white is mixed with colour.
(Optional) In the "Opacity" field, type in the non-transparency percentage of the final colour.
The opacity value:- 0% is invisible.
- 50% is see-through.
- 100% is the solid colour.
Note: You can save colours to use later. To learn how, visit this link: Save a colour swatch, then apply it to a new line, shape, or label - In the top toolbar, select the Fill Colour Picker.
- (Optional) Choose the colour of the polygon's border.
The Border Colour Picker is the Pencil Icon displaying the tooltip: "Changes line/border colour".
- (Optional) Choose the border thickness.
To the right of the Border Colour Picker:
- Click on the up/down arrows.
OR - Type the number into the field.
- Click on the up/down arrows.
- (Optional) Choose the border style
To the right of the border thickness selector:
- Click on the current border style.
- On the drop-down list, click to select the new border style.
- In Map View, click once to create each of the polygon’s corners. For example:
You'll notice the first corner is highlighted with a square to close the polygon.
Note: On a polygon, a "corner" or "point" is also known as a "vertex".
- To close the polygon, click on the first corner's square.
(Optional) View the shape's row in the Layers Panel
Note: To view the Layers Panel, you must be logged in to a Pro account. To learn how to upgrade, visit this link: How to upgrade to a Pro account
- Select the Edit/Measure Tool in the top toolbar.
Quick Key: Or you can press the "Q" button on your keyboard.
- (Optional) If the "LAYERS" panel isn't open on the right side of the browser window, click the vertical bar.
- In Map View, hover over the shape.
In the Layers Panel, you will see the shape’s row is highlighted.
See also
Add an overlay to a group/folder
View the area of a shape (rectangle/circle/polygon)
Snap a line’s end-point to a corner vertex of a rectangle/polygon
Move a shape (rectangle/circle/polygon)
Type in the length of an edge on a polygon
Type in the bearing of an edge on a polygon
Add and move a vertex on an edge of a polygon
Change the colours of the border and fill area of a shape (circle/rectangle/polygon)
Change the style of the border of a shape (circle/rectangle/polygon)
Change the border thickness of a shape (rectangle, circle, polygon)
Copy the colours/style/thickness from one shape to another
Delete the border of a shape (rectangle/circle/polygon)
Delete the fill area of a shape (rectangle/circle/polygon)
Split a polygon into two separate polygons
Create a hole inside a shape (rectangle, circle, polygon)
Split a shape along a line (straight line, freeform line, or precise curved line)
Create a smoother version of a line/border - "Smoothing > Bezier"
Draw a large and detailed polygon
Produce a preset polygon of a region (country, state, city, etc.)
Create a clickable overlay for linking to a web page
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