- Description and example of a CSV file
- Description and example of a DXF file
- Description and example of a GDB file
- Description and example of a GeoJSON file
- Description and example of a GPKG file
- Description and example of a GPX file
- Description and example of a KML file
- Description and example of a SHP file
- Description and example of an SMJSON file
- Description and example of an SMT file
- Description and example of a PARQUET file
- Description and example of a TopoJSON file
Description and example of a CSV file
CSV stands for Comma Separated Values, a text file format for storing tabular data (rows and columns).
If you view the contents of the CSV file in text editor software, the values are separated by commas.
An example use for a CSV file is: You can use MS Excel to view the listed attribute data describing the overlays (markers, etc.) on a map.
Definitions for the types of data
- Top-headings.
- Lower-headings.
Each top heading displays a definable heading.
Note: When you use your own spreadsheet data, the definable headings are the data in the column heading cells from your spreadsheet.
Note: You'll learn about each preset heading in STEP 3 of the current article: View the reference list describing the purpose of each preset heading
Note: If a column of value cells is numerical data, you can create a heatmap to visually compare each marker's number. We recommend you first complete STEPS 1-3 of the current article. Then you'll be ready to learn about heatmaps by visiting this link: Add a heatmap base layer at marker locations
View the reference list describing the purpose of each preset heading
Note: If you want the app to automatically select the preset heading, write the exact spelling for the definable heading.For example: "Latitude".
Notes:The data from certain preset headings is also added to the marker's list of attributes. These are the preset headings:If you’re creating a heatmap to compare numerical data in a column, you must select the preset heading: "Attribute".
- Folder.
- Attribute.
- Rotation.
- Address.
- City.
- State/Province.
- Country.
- Zip/Postal Code.
To learn how to create a heatmap, visit this link: Add a heatmap base layer at marker locations
Preset heading: | "Title" |
Note: | If you don't select "Title" for one of the columns, the left-side column will be automatically considered the "Title" column. So the value cells located in the left-side column will be considered the marker titles. |
Definable heading: | N/A |
Value cell: | The marker's title. |
Where in app? |
You will see the value cell's text in the:
For example: | Value cell: "Bernal McDonalds".
View Reference List Contents ↑
Preset heading: | "Description" |
Definable heading: | N/A |
Value cell: | The marker's description. |
Where in app? |
You will see the value cell's text in the:
For example: | Value cell: "105 Bernal Rd".
View Reference List Contents ↑
Preset heading: | "Folder" |
Definable heading: | The category describing the folders. |
Value cell: | The name of the folder containing the marker. |
Where in app? | You will see the value cell's text on the folder's row in the: Layers Panel.
For example: | Definable heading: "Group".
View Reference List Contents ↑
Preset heading: | "Attribute" |
Note: | You can produce the same results as "Attribute" by not changing the default preset heading: "Select".
Definable heading: | The category ("attribute-name") describes the "attribute-values". |
Value cell: | The "attribute-value" describes the marker. |
Where in the app? | You will see the data from both the "definable heading" and the "value cell" in the: Info bubble - (listed). |
For example: | Definable heading: "Website".
View Reference List Contents ↑
Preset heading: | "Rotation" |
Note: | The direction rotates clockwise starting from North as 0°. |
Definable heading: | The category describing the rotations. |
Value cell: | A number from 0 to 360. |
Where in the app? | In the Map View, you will see the marker is a red arrow pointing in the direction specified as the value cell's number.
For example: | Definable heading: "Direction".
View Reference List Contents ↑
Unique location data enables the app to select the correct location to place a marker. So consider which combinations of preset headings will produce unique location data.For example; The preset headings ("Address", "Zip/Postal Code", and "Country") will produce more unique location data than only ("Address", and "Country").Your account will be debited a single geocode for each location you import/convert from an address into coordinates on the map.If you provide a location's coordinates instead of an address, your account won't be debited a geocode.To learn more, visit this link: Purchase more geocodes
Preset heading: | "Address" |
Definable heading: | The category describing the addresses. |
Value cell: | The address of the marker location. |
Where in app? | In Map View, you will see the marker located at the address.
For example: | Definable heading: "Address".
"105 Bernal Rd".
View Reference List Contents ↑
Preset heading: | "City" |
Definable heading: | The category describing the cities/towns/etc. |
Value cell: | The city/town/etc. of the marker location. |
Where in app? | In Map View, you will see the marker located in the city/town/etc.
For example: | Definable heading: "City".
"San Jose".
View Reference List Contents ↑
Preset heading: | "State/Province" |
Definable heading: | The category describes the states/provinces. |
Value cell: | The state/province/etc. of the marker location. |
Where in the app? | In Map View, you will see the marker located in the state/province/etc.
For example: | Definable heading: "State".
View Reference List Contents ↑
Preset heading: | "Country" |
Definable heading: | The category describes the countries. |
Value cell: | The country of the marker location. |
Where in the app? | In Map View, you will see the marker located in the country.
For example: | Definable heading: "Country".
"United States".
View Reference List Contents ↑
Preset heading: | "Zip/Postal Code" |
Definable heading: | The category describing the Zip/Postal Codes/etc. |
Value cell: | The Zip/Postal Code/etc. of the marker location. |
Where in the app? | In the Map View, you will see the marker located in the Zip/Postal Code/etc.
For example: | Definable heading: "Zip".
View Reference List Contents ↑
Note: You can import unlimited locations into maps if you use coordinates instead of addresses.
Preset heading: | "Latitude" |
Definable heading: | N/A |
Value cell: | The latitude coordinate of the marker in the format: DD (Decimal Degrees). |
Where in the app? | In Map View, you will see the marker is located at the latitude coordinate.
For example: | Value cell: "37.231648400".
View Reference List Contents ↑
Preset heading: | "Longitude" |
Definable heading: | N/A |
Value cell: | The longitude coordinate of the marker in the format: DD (Decimal Degrees). |
Where in the app? | In Map View, you will see the marker is located at the longitude coordinate.
For example: | Value cell: "-121.773259500".
View Reference List Contents ↑
Description and example of a DXF file
DXF stands for Drawing Interchange Format, a file format developed by Autodesk. A DXF file contains vector data that can be used in CAD (computer-aided design), and other types of software. An example use for a DXF file is: you can transfer the data for a polygon into Autodesk's AutoCAD.
Description and example of a GDB file
Geo Database (GDB) files represent Esri's proprietary format for storing geographical information. GDB can be in the form of a folder containing various file types that collectively store vector, raster, and other types of spatial data, or as a single compressed file.
An example use for a Geo Databases file is: used to compile extensive geographical datasets into a structured format, supporting detailed analysis and visualization in GIS applications.
Restrictions and Workarounds
Restrictions: Scribble Maps supports the import of both folder and zipped (.zip) GDB formats, with a preference for the zipped version for efficiency and ease of handling. This capability allows users to directly bring in rich, complex GIS datasets from GDB into Scribble Maps for visualization and further exploration. However, since GDB is an import-only format on Scribble Maps.
Description and example of a GeoJSON file
GeoJSON is a file format for displaying geospatial data in online maps.
A GeoJSON file contains annotated geographic data in a JSON-based format.
An example use for a GeoJSON file is: you can transfer the data for marker locations from ArcGIS (Esri) into Scribble Maps.
Description and example of a GPKG file
GeoPackage (GPKG) is an open format for geospatial information, providing a means to store a wide variety of geodata including maps, images, and vector features within a single SQLite database. GPKG supports both spatial and non-spatial data, making it versatile for a wide range of GIS applications.
An example use for a GeoPackage file is: is ideal for sharing complex map data between different GIS systems, offering a compact, self-contained format for comprehensive geospatial data collection.
Restrictions and Workarounds
Restrictions: GeoPackage files are supported for import in Scribble Maps, allowing users to integrate comprehensive GIS data directly into their projects. GPKG is currently an import-only format within Scribble Maps that seamlessly integrates complex datasets into the platform for further analysis and mapping.
Description and example of a GPX file
GPX stands for GPS Exchange Format, an open standard used in many devices and programs. A GPX file contains GPS and attribute data in XML format. An example use for a GPX file is: you can transfer the data for a hiking trail into Google Earth Pro.
Description and example of a KML file
KML stands for Keyhole Markup Language, a file format for displaying geographic data in online maps (2D) and Earth browsers (3D).
A KML file contains annotated geographic data in XML format. Examples of the data include; polygons, lines, captions, icons, and image overlays (via URLs).
An example use for a KML file is: you can transfer data for a hiking trail from Google Earth Pro into Scribble Maps.
Restrictions and Workarounds
Restrictions: KML files larger than 75MB are not supported.
Workaround: Convert the KML file to GeoJSON to bypass this limitation.
Why isn't the data displayed in the Layers Panel?
If the data doesn't appear in the Layers Panel, you may need to perform a hard refresh in your browser. Then start the import procedure from the beginning.
Windows - "Chrome"/"Firefox"/"IE"/"Edge"
Quick Key: Hold down the "Ctrl" key, and press the "F5" key.
Mac - "Chrome"/"Firefox" / "Safari"
Quick Key: Hold the "command" key, and press the "R" key.
Why won't the KML file import or upload?
To import/upload a .kml file into Scribble Maps, the .kml file must contain the actual data. Open the KML file to make sure it doesn't contain a list of links to KML files.
Note: KML files that are linked to other KMLs or Web Map services DO NOT work. This is the most common reason KML files fail to import.
How do I import or upload a KMZ file?
A KMZ file is a zipped folder containing usable KML file(s).
A KMZ file cannot be used in Scribble Maps.You can extract the KML files for import/upload in Scribble Maps.
To extract the usable KML file(s), unzip the KMZ file by using an online service, such as: > Extract KMZ file
Description and example of a SHP file
SHP stands for shapefile, a file format developed and regulated by Esri. The downloaded shapefile is a compressed zip file.
Inside the zip file, the required individual files (.shp, .shx, and .dbf) contain vector and attribute data for map locations.
An example use for a shapefile is: you can transfer the data for a hiking trail into ArcGIS (Esri), or Google Earth Pro.
How do I import or upload a SHP file?
A SHP file is a zipped folder containing usable SHP file(s).
A SHP file on its own will not work.
To import SHP, be sure to use the entire Zip file, which includes .shp, .shx, and .dbf required files.
Note: SHP files do not have to be in a .zip file. You can drag-and-drop all the files at once to also work. If imported separately, they will NOT work.
Description and example of an SMJSON file
SMJSON (Scribble Maps JSON) is a specialized JSON format used by Scribble Maps to store map data, including markers, shapes, and metadata. SMJSON enables the sharing and import/export of map data across platforms that support the Scribble Maps API.
An example use for an SMJSON file is: it can be used to export your Scribble Maps projects for backup purposes or to import into another project, maintaining all geospatial information and attributes.
Restrictions and Workarounds
Restrictions: SMJSON is specific to Scribble Maps and may not be directly usable in other GIS or mapping software without conversion.
Workarounds: Convert SMJSON files to more universally recognized formats such as GeoJSON or KML for use with other GIS software. Scribble Maps provides tools for converting SMJSON to other formats.
Description and example of an SMT file
SMT (Scribble Maps Template) files are designed to store map templates within the Scribble Maps platform. These templates can include predefined layers, styles, and settings that can be applied to new or existing maps to maintain consistency in design and structure.
An example use for an SMT file is: is allows users to quickly apply a set of design standards across multiple maps, ensuring that all maps share a common look and feel, which is especially useful for organizations with branding guidelines.
Restrictions and Workarounds
Restrictions: SMT files are proprietary to Scribble Maps and cannot be used directly outside the Scribble Maps platform.
Workarounds: To share map designs outside Scribble Maps, consider exporting the map data as GeoJSON, KML, or another supported format. While this will not include template-specific settings like style, it allows for the sharing of geometric data.
Description and example of a PARQUET file
PARQUET (Geo) is a columnar storage file format optimized for fast data retrieval and efficient compression. PARQUET is designed for complex nested data structures and is widely used in data analysis and machine learning scenarios.
Because it stores data by column rather than by row, accessing specific fields without reading the entire row accelerates data analysis tasks.
An example use for a PARQUET file is: to store and analyze large datasets within data analytics platforms like Apache Hadoop or Amazon AWS analytics services, benefiting from its efficient data compression and encoding schemes.
Restrictions and Workarounds
Restrictions: Some database systems and data analysis tools do not directly support PARQUET files.
Workarounds: For scenarios requiring PARQUET data to be compatible with tools not supporting the format, Scribble Maps provides integrated solutions for converting PARQUET files into formats like CSV or GeoJSON.
Description and example of a TopoJSON file
TopoJSON is an extension of GeoJSON that encodes topology. Efficiently representing geometries and the relationships between them, TopoJSON files are typically smaller than GeoJSON files.
A TopoJSON file contains geometries stitched together from shared line segments called arcs. These arcs reduce redundancy and size, making TopoJSON an ideal format for complex geodata.
An example use for a TopoJSON is: to convey the boundaries of adjacent countries, where each boundary is shared and only encoded once, reducing file size and improving load times for web applications.
Restrictions and Workarounds
Restrictions: Not all tools support TopoJSON natively. You may need to convert TopoJSON files back to GeoJSON or another format for use with certain software or services.
Workarounds: Should you need to work with TopoJSON files in a format more widely supported by various GIS tools, Scribble Maps directly facilitates the conversion of TopoJSON files into more commonly used formats, such as GeoJSON, ensuring seamless integration with a broad range of mapping software.
See also
How to manually add an attribute to an overlay
You can filter which marker overlays are displayed by considering attributes. To learn how; visit this link:
Create a filter to segment which overlays are displayed
Format the date/time data to prepare the imported spreadsheet for filtering
Add a heatmap base layer at marker locations
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