Change the colour
- In the Layers Panel, find the directions line’s row. Then click on the Pencil Icon.
- In the top-right corner of the editor window, click on the Pencil/Colour Icon.
- Type the Hex Colour Code into the field.
ORClick on the "White+Colour" Field to choose how much white is mixed with colour.
- Click on the Shade Bar to choose how much gray or black is mixed with the "White+Colour".
- Type in the "Opacity" value to choose the non-transparency percentage of the final colour.
- 0% opacity is invisible.
- 50% opacity is see-through.
- 100% opacity is the solid colour.
- Click on the "Save" button.
In Map View, you will see the line's colour is updated.
See also
Draw a direction line that snaps to the roads
Edit the title and the description of a directions line
Create and move a vertex on a drawn direction line - (Edit Path Snap)
Plot a direction line connecting a marker and a specified location
Plot a direction line connecting two markers
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