Blend Modes are a powerful tool for changing how layers interact. This article will guide you through the steps to desaturate satellite imagery using the "Saturation" blend mode, making your coloured annotations stand out more clearly.
Apply a Blend Mode to Polygons
Apply a blend mode to a shape or layer
Move and zoom the map in the Map View to see the area where you want to apply the blend mode.
- Draw a shape over the area where you want to apply the blend mode. You can use the Polygon Tool or another shape tool.
To learn more about drawing shapes, visit this link:
- Once the shape is drawn, the Edit Attributes window will appear.
- Locate the Blend Mode dropdown in the Edit Attributes window.
- Click on the dropdown menu and select a blend mode from the list.
- Normal: No blending; the layer appears as is.
- Overlay: Adds contrast by combining multiply and screen modes.
- Color: Applies the color of the blend layer, while keeping the brightness of the base layer.
- Multiply: Darkens the base layer by multiplying the colors.
- Screen: Lightens the base layer.
- Darken: Displays the darker colors between the base and blend layers.
- Lighten: Displays the lighter colors between the base and blend layers.
- Color Dodge: Brightens the base layer to reflect the blend layer.
- Color Burn: Darkens the base layer to reflect the blend layer.
- Hard Light: Multiplies or screens the colors, depending on the blend color.
- Soft Light: Darkens or lightens the colors, depending on the blend color.
- Difference: Subtracts the blend color from the base color, or vice versa, to create a contrast effect.
- Exclusion: Similar to difference, but with lower contrast.
- Hue: Applies the hue of the blend layer to the base layer.
- Saturation: Adjusts the color saturation of the base layer.
- Luminosity: Applies the brightness of the blend layer to the base layer.
- (Optional) Adjust the 3D Height setting to add a dimensional effect to the shape.
- Click the Save button to apply the changes to your map.
(Optional) View the shape’s blend mode in the Layers Panel
View and verify the blend mode applied to a shape or layer.
- Select the Edit/Measure Tool in the top toolbar.
Quick Key: Or you can press the "Q" button on your keyboard.
- (Optional) If the "LAYERS" Panel isn’t open on the right side of the browser window, click the vertical bar.
- In the Map View, hover over the shape. The shape’s row is highlighted in the Layers Panel, showing the applied blend mode.
Apply a Blend Mode to Satellite Imagery
Choose an Image Analysis Option.
Here's a quick guide to what each option does:
- TRUE COLOR: This shows the image as it would look to the human eye, combining red, green, and blue
- NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index): This highlights healthy vegetation. Green areas on the image indicate more vegetation, and the greener the area, the healthier the vegetation.
- NDWI (Normalized Difference Water Index): This option helps you identify water content. It’s useful for finding water bodies or areas with high moisture. Light-colored areas usually represent water.
- BAI (Burn Area Index): Use this to spot areas affected by fire. Burnt regions show up in red or darker shades. <>
- BAND MATH: This allows you to perform custom calculations on the image data, which can help highlight specific features or create custom views based on the satellite data.
Adjust the colour settings for the option you selected.
- (Optional) Select the type of Blend Mode from the drop-down menu.
- Normal: No blending; the layer appears as is.
- Overlay: Adds contrast by combining multiply and screen modes.
- Color: Applies the color of the blend layer, while keeping the brightness of the base layer.
- Multiply: Darkens the base layer by multiplying the colors.
- Screen: Lightens the base layer.
- Darken: Displays the darker colors between the base and blend layers.
- Lighten: Displays the lighter colors between the base and blend layers.
- Color Dodge: Brightens the base layer to reflect the blend layer.
- Color Burn: Darkens the base layer to reflect the blend layer.
- Hard Light: Multiplies or screens the colors, depending on the blend color.
- Soft Light: Darkens or lightens the colors, depending on the blend color.
- Difference: Subtracts the blend color from the base color, or vice versa, to create a contrast effect.
- Exclusion: Similar to difference, but with lower contrast.
- Hue: Applies the hue of the blend layer to the base layer.
- Saturation: Adjusts the color saturation of the base layer.
- Luminosity: Applies the brightness of the blend layer to the base layer.
Click the ADD To Map button.
The imagery will be added to your map.
See also
Add an overlay to a group/folder
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