Your Scribble Maps subscription
How to cancel your subscription
Your Scribble Maps subscription
Pro accounts are auto-renewing subscriptions.
- Monthly subscriptions renew every month.
- Yearly subscriptions renew every year.
How to cancel your subscription
You can cancel your subscription at any time for any reason. To view the instructions for cancelling your subscription, visit this link:
Cancel Subscription
Refund policy
We grant refunds if:
- You contact us to ask for a refund during the 1 week period after the most recent payment.
AND- You don't produce a high-resolution image or another paid file format during the 1 week.
The policy applies whether the renewal payment is for the most recent: monthly or yearly period. We do not process refunds retroactively for multiple periods.
Suppose a problem occurs on our side, such as a failed cancellation or miscommunication. In that case, we will evaluate the possibility of a refund on a case-by-case basis.
Refundable scenarios
Scenario #1
- You purchase a Pro subscription.
- During the next 1 week period:
- You contact us to ask for a refund.
- You don't produce a high-resolution image or another paid file format.
- You contact us to ask for a refund.
Scenario #2
You have a monthly or yearly subscription that renews automatically.
- Your subscription renews.
- During the next 1 week period:
- You contact us to ask for a refund.
- You don't produce a high-resolution image or another paid file format.
- You contact us to ask for a refund.
How to contact us
Send us a message at:
We respond within 24 hours.
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