- Plot an isometric shape on the map.
To learn how, visit this link: Place an isometric shape - (ISO Shape Tool)
- Select the "Style Picker Tool" in the top toolbar.
Quick Key: Or you can press the "I" button on your keyboard.
- In the Map View, click on the isometric shape. This action transforms the mouse cursor into a copy of the original isometric shape. You can now plot an isometric shape that is considered a marker.
You will also see that the Marker Tool is automatically selected in the top toolbar.
- (Optional) Change the rotation of the marker by clicking on the rotation wheel located at the left side of the Map View.
- (Optional) Flip the marker by clicking the "Flip" box.
- Click the location on the map where you want to place the marker.
The marker editor window will pop up.
- (Optional) Type the text into the Title field and the Description field.
- Click on the "Save" button.
- To test the title and the description, select the Hand Tool in the top toolbar.
- Click on the marker.
The info bubble will pop up to show the title and the description.In the Layers Panel, you will also see the marker’s title.
Note: The isometric shape/marker has the same functionality as a regular marker, except you cannot resize the marker.
To learn how to use the marker features, visit this link: Marker Tool—Create a marker.
See also
Change the size of an isometric shape
Edit the title and the description of an isometric shape
Make an isometric shape a clickable link to a web page
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