Draw the line
- In the top toolbar, you will see the number for the line thickness. To the right of the line thickness selector, click on the line style displaying the tooltip: "Change line/border style".
- In the drop-down menu, select what will be the original line style.
For example; A solid line, not including arrowheads.
- In the Map View, draw the line.
To learn how to draw lines, visit these links:
Draw Tool—Draw a freeform line
Pen/Curve Tool—Draw a precise curved line
Change the line’s style
- In the top toolbar, click on the original line style. Then click to select the new line style in the drop-down menu.
For example, select the new line style to be: A dashed line.
- In the top toolbar, select the Fill/Change Colour Tool.
Quick Key: Or you can press the "G" button on your keyboard.
- In the Map View, click on the line.
You will see the line has the new style.
See also
Change the colour of a straight line, freeform line, precise curved line, or flight line
Change the thickness of a straight line, freeform line, precise curved line, or flight line
Change the end cap style of a straight line, freeform line, precise curved line, or flight line
Copy the colour/style/thickness/cap style from one line to another
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