Draw the polygon
Draw a polygon.
To learn more about drawing polygons, visit this link:
Delete the polygon’s border
- Select the Delete Tool in the top toolbar.
Quick Key: Or you can press the "E" button on your keyboard.
- Hover over the polygon’s border until the blue highlight appears.
- Click to delete.
Use the Line Tool to draw a coloured line
- Select the Line Tool in the top toolbar.
Quick Key: Or you can press the "Z" button on your keyboard.
- Select the Line Colour Picker by clicking the Circle/Pencil Icon with the tooltip: "Changes line/border colour".
- Type the Hex Colour Code into the field.
ORClick on the "White+Colour" Field to choose how much white is mixed with colour.
- Click on the Shade Bar to choose how much gray or black is mixed with the "White+Colour".
- Type in the "Opacity" value to choose the non-transparency percentage of the final colour.
- 0% opacity is invisible.
- 50% opacity is see-through.
- 100% opacity is the solid colour.
- Choose the line thickness.
To the right of the Line Colour Picker, click on the up/down arrows. You can also type in the number.
- Choose the line style.
Click on the current line style to the right of the line thickness selector. Then click to select the new line style from the drop-down menu.
- In Map View, click and drag to draw the first line.
Move the line to an edge on the polygon
- Select the Edit/Measure Tool in the top toolbar.
Quick Key: Or you can press the "Q" button on your keyboard.
- Hover over an endpoint of the line until the blue square appears.
- Click and drag the endpoint over an edge corner of the polygon.
Let go when you see the black circle appear.
- Hover over an endpoint of the line until the blue square appears.
- Click and drag the endpoint over the next corner of the polygon.
Let go when you see the black circle appear.
Repeat the process of drawing and moving the line
Start from the step of selecting the Line Tool to repeat the process for the remaining edges of the polygon.
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