Note: In cases where the map’s zoom-level is 5 or lower, a perfectly round circle may not accurately represent the area or distances on the Earth.
For improved accuracy in terms of radius, you can select the "Projection Accurate" option.
- Zoom out the map to zoom-level 5 or lower.
The map’s Zoom level is located in the center of the map’s footer.
To zoom-out, there are 2 options:
Option 1
In the top-right corner of the Map View, click the:
Zoom-out button, "-".
Option 2
Use the scroll wheel on your mouse.
For Windows
Scroll backwards to zoom-out.
For Mac
Scroll forwards to zoom-out.
- Select the "Circle Tool" in the top toolbar.
Quick Key: Or you can press the "O" button on your keyboard.
Note: In the left-side of the Map View, click to add a check to the "Projection Accurate" checkbox.
- Draw the circle.
To learn how, visit this link:
You will see the circle isn’t perfectly round.
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