Multi-user management
Manage collaboration permissions by using the Manage Users feature or the Team web app
- Users who can access the map.
- Role-based permissions each user has.
Note: You improve security by enabling map access through user accounts, because you don’t need to share map passwords.
The Manage Users feature is located on the "Save Map" window in Scribble Maps.
The Team web app opens in its own browser tab. All changes saved in the Team web app automatically register in Scribble Maps.
If you will be collaborating on a single map, we recommend you use the Manage Users feature when saving. To learn how visit this link:
Intro to the Manage Users feature - Collaborate on a single map
If you will be collaborating on multiple maps, we recommend you use the Team web app. To learn how visit this link:
Intro to the Team web app - Collaborate on multiple maps
Collaboration (including merging maps)
Start by communicating with your team
Merging scenarios occur when two or more team members work on a map at the same time.
If team members might work on the map at the same time, we recommend you assign responsibilities prior to starting.
Note: Schedule the work so team members will be making changes to different components of the map.
Protect your data
Note: To learn how to load a previously saved version, visit this link: Load a map from the Your Maps window > (Option 2) - Load a previous saved version of the map
How to combine two separate maps - main map and secondary map
- Open the main map.
These are the possible methods:
Load a map from the Your Maps window
- Make changes to the main map.
For example: Click-and-drag an overlay to move it to a new location
- Save the secondary map.
- Make sure you create a new, unique Map ID when saving the secondary map.
In most cases, you can just add a letter or number to the main map's ID.
- (Optional) We recommend you also add an identifier to the title of the secondary map.
For example, you can add " - 2" to the end of the title.
- After saving the secondary map, don't close the "Map Saved" window.
(Optional) To learn how to save maps, visit this link:
Save a map - Make sure you create a new, unique Map ID when saving the secondary map.
- On the "Map Saved" window, copy the secondary map's ID.
Copy by clicking to highlight the text under the "Map ID" heading. Then use your keyboard to press:
- Quick Key: Ctrl + C (for Windows).
- Quick Key: Command + C (for Macs).
- Close the "Map Saved" window by clicking the "X" button in the top-right corner.
- Close the "Save Map" window by clicking the "X" button in the top-right corner.
- Repeat step #1 by opening the main map.
In the Map View, you will see the map.
- In the top toolbar, click the "MENU" button.
- Under the "Scribble Maps" heading, click "Load/Import".
Paste the secondary map's map ID into the "LOAD MAP" window.
Paste by clicking on the "Map Id" field. Then use your keyboard to press:
- Quick Key: Ctrl + V (for Windows).
- Quick Key: Command + V (for Macs).
- Your selection in this step will affect how the map updates the changes you made in step #2.
- "Load" button if you don’t want to combine the maps.
The main map will close, and the secondary map will load.OR
- "Import" button if you want to add the content in the secondary map to the main map.
If the same overlays exist in both maps, duplicate overlays will be created.OR
- "Merge" button if you want to add the content in the secondary map to the main map.
If the same overlays exist in both maps, the overlays will be updated by prioritizing the secondary map. Duplicate overlays won’t be created.
For a more technical explanation about merging, visit this link: How merging works
- "Load" button if you don’t want to combine the maps.
- Click the button at the bottom of the "Load Map" window. Then click "Ok".
In the Map View, you will see the updated map.
(Optional) What’s the difference between "merge" and "overwrite"?
- You’re making changes to a map.
- Another team member saves their changes to the same map.
- You save your changes to the map.
- Keeps all of your new saved changes.
- Prioritizes your new saved changes when there are conflicts with the team member’s saved changes.
- Keeps the team member’s saved changes that don’t conflict with your new saved changes.
For a more technical explanation about merging, visit this link: How merging works
- Keeps all of your new saved changes.
- Ignores the team member’s saved changes.
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